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hot stones

Hot Stones

Hot stone massage is deeply relaxing. They are used during the massage to enhance your experience. The heat penetrates deep into the muscles making the tissues more pliable and able to receive a deeper massage.



A well-known Traditional Chinese Medicine. Several cups are applied on the body in a stationary fashion or glided along the length of the muscle to break up adhesion, scar tissues, promote circulation, and reduce aches and pains.



Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption of natural plant extracts that have been distilled and concentrated.  Different oils are used to suit the needs of the client. May it be relaxation or to relieve muscle tension and soreness, we have the oil for you.

Deep Tissue scaled

Therapeutic Massage

Each massage session is tailored for you. Your therapist is adept in Therapeutic bodywork that includes and is not limited to Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Positional Release, PNF stretching, and Relaxation.

Assisted Stretching

Assisted Stretching

Assisted stretching can reduce the tightness or pain in your muscles, improve your sports performance, and you can achieve greater flexibility when you have someone helping you.

Percussion Gun

This massage tool helps with breaking up tight and stubborn muscles with rapid blows in low to hi settings. Great for athletes in their recovery with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).