About Aubrey E. Garcia

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Aubrey completed her Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy in Melbourne, Victoria Australia. She went to school full time and worked part time as a barista and a waitress. When she wasn’t at school or work, she trained in her local boxing gym. During her first semester she suffered from bursitis on her right shoulder that was brought on by all that activity. Treating was a miserable thing for her and experienced first-hand what it feels like to sustain an injury and still have to go through life’s daily grind. Recovery took a couple of years of massage therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, and self-rehab. Today she has an appreciation for clients who are on the same path as she was. It is her wish to help them manage their pain through Remedial Massage Therapy.

Remedial Massage is a systematic approach to managing muscle pains, tendons and ligaments due to injuries, soreness, and tension. It employs various techniques such as PNF stretching, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Deep Tissue to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management. Assessment and testing of muscle and joint range of movement is conducted before and after the session to determine the efficacy of the treatment.

When asked why she decided to enter this line of work, Aubrey says, “I aspire to be like my late grandmother who died at the age of ninety-nine. Two months shy away from one hundred. She was a massage therapist who was revered in her village as the healer. It is an honor and great responsibility of trust working hands-on and close contact to help facilitate one’s healing.”

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